Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pansies II

4"x4" Oil on Board

This one just sold in the Hurrican Sandy Fundraiser!
Another palette knife pansy painting. This is fun. I've been painting these for the 60/60 daily painting challenge created by Adele Earnshaw. Some of my (55 so far) will not be posted and probably will be relegated to the "brush mileage" pile!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pansies I

Pansies 1 5"x7" Oil on Board

I took a workshop with Leslie Saeta on palette knife painting and discovered I really love it. Around the same time I studies Richard Schimdt's pansies which I also love. So I put the two together and painted some pansies. This is also one of the paintings I created for Adele Earnshaws 60 paintings from life in 60 days challenge althoug I must confess it has been more than 69 days and I still have 7 to go.