Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Roost

6"x6" Oil on museum quality panel

Today I was in a funk; couldn't decide what to paint, even if to paint, Going around and around looking at all my photos. Finally I saw this one I had always wanted to paint but I had envisioned a large painting. Anyway, I just grabbed a 6"x6" black gessoed panel and sor of attacked it with my palette knife and a wipe out tool.Had FUN and I kinda like it!


Linda Nickles said...

Nancy, there is no sign here that you were in a funk. This painting turned out beautifully in every way. Love the texture, and the rich contrast of light and dark. Love it!

Linda Popple said...

I agree with Linda. This is fantastic!

Ellie Boyd said...

Do you live in CT?? That is the kind of weather we have been having. Nice to see the dash of color with the cardinal. Really good job!
Ellie Boyd

Unknown said...

I love abstract quality of this painting.